Making a Chefs Knife

“I’ve been thinking about running a knife making workshop”.

Those were the words in the email that got my attention. Someone was offering to run a workshop and had a PID controlled heated knife oven to do the heat cycle and tempering. Seemed like a good idea to me.

This write up is mostly a ’this is what I did’, the end product is usable, but not ideal. It’s a first attempt and a learning process.

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Creating an RSS Planet in 2019

There’s an IRC channel for our local geeks. Some of the people in it have blogs. In an idle conversation about the state of the modern internet, the idea of a webring came up and continued into ‘why aren’t blog planets’ a thing anymore?

Wait, a what now?

A planet is an aggregator of blogs usually centered around a topic or project. With the slow death of blogging and the idea of commercial content, they seem to have gone away (with a few notable exceptions).

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